
Reiki Energy Session

Reiki is translated to mean "rei" (universal) "ki" (life energy).

Reiki is a Japanese energy technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and anxiety through gentle touch. During a session the universal life force energy (reiki) enters the body to all areas needed and helps support its natural way of functioning. While working with your chakra system the reiki itself helps your light body release and amplify any energy with love. For more information, please click here.

Crystal Therapy Session

With clear and concise intentions, the Vogel crystal is programmed and charged with those intentions to energetically release and also call in the energies to help support and assist you on your life path journey. Please be advised that this is a service that is only offered in person sessions for now. This may change in the near future to be online but for now, please keep this in mind before you decide to book online. For more detailed information about a crystal therapy session, please click here.

It's time to allow the spark within your heart to shine bright!

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QHHT Session

QHHT stands for Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique that was developed by Dolores Cannon over 45 years and taught to it others before leaving this life. During this session we work in the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the Somnambulistic level of trance. In this deep and relaxed state of hypnosis, you can journey and explore past lives or other lives. Those lives could also include past lives, future lives, lives on different planets and dimensions. Please be advised that this service is only offered in person. For more information , please click here.

Channeling Session

During a channeling session I connect with the Arch Angels, Spirit, and my team in spirit to bring forth information and guidance for you. This is a scared and beautiful session where love and clarity are at the root of every session. So If you've been feeling like your heart has felt heavy, unsure, or that you haven't been able to connect within for guidance this 30 or 60-minute online session can help align you back to your soul light and usher in clarity around your heart to move forward with more awareness. For more information, please click here.

Let's book your session today!

” I had the best experience during my session. It was my first time, so I didn’t know what to expect- and it was amazing! I was very relaxed, and Lizzie made me feel very comfortable. The things she shared were spot on. I left feeling lighter and very connected to myself. Would definitely recommend. Can’t wait for my next session!”

- Kaira Delasantos

”Just want to say thank you for helping me get my emotions in tune and also with my back pain. Having done 2 Reiki sessions with you I have definitely felt a difference in my life. My thought and emotions are clearer and more stable and my back pain has gone down substantially. Thank you again. Will be hitting you up for my 3rd session here soon.”

- Mike Melgoza
